Kaylin's Age

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My birth story

Sunday, Ocotber 4th I went to triage at the hospital because I thought my water was leaking. They checked 3 different times and said it wasn't my amniotic fluid and sent me home saying if it continued to come on back. I was still leaking Monday and Tuesday. But Tuesday afternoon I started having contractions around 11:45am. But they were pretty sporadic. But around 3:30 they started coming every 7 minutes apart. I called my mom to tell her to get lesson plans ready for the week and called Brian to tell him to wrap stuff up at work in case we were to go in Tuesday night. Brian came home and we are a little food and decided to go back to triage. They checked me and asked about the leaking and I said it was still going on so they checked and said my water had broken. They asked me when and I honestly could not tell them. They were worried about infection so they checked me in and I got up to the delivery room by 9:30pm and they started me on pitocin. I lasted until 12:45am and then the anesthesiologist came in adn asked if I wanted an epidural, I was going to try to last longer but I was so tired and knew this was the only way I would get some sleep. So I got an epidural and I was around 4cm. A couple hours later they checked again and I was at 6cm 90% effaced. At 5:30am I started feeling more pain and called in a nurse and she checked again and said I was at 10cm and fully effaced. I freaked out and started crying thinking this was really happening. Another nurse came in at the shift change, Patti and she was amazing. I also had a student nurse from SDSU come in for my labor. They said she was a little high to start pushing and they wanted me to labor diwn naturally. It would be another 2 1/2 hours before I would start pushing. I started feeling more pain and I feared my epidural had run out. The anesthesiologist came back in to give me a shot of something and it worked a little but I can still feel the pain. The pushing began at 8:50am. I pushed 3 1/2 hours. Her heart rate was good and they wanted to let me have my way in not having a c-section, so they would need to use a vacumm. The doctor came in during the last 5 minutes and I pushed and with the help of the vacumm, she was born at 12:27pm. She only weighed 5 pounds 14 oz. 18 1/2 inches long. It was a really hard labor, but it was woth it when I saw her face. Both Brian and I had tears of joy! We are in love.

Kaylin Rae Wildman-Welcome to this world!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Finally full term

So this last Thursday I was officially 37 weeks. WooHoo!!! It has been a long journey and yet at the same time, it has gone by really fast. I decided that October 2, next Friday is my lst day teaching and then I am ready for her to come at any point. Hopefully she just hangs in there 1 more week. Yesterday I went to the Doctor and he checked to see if I have made any progess and I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. That means things are starting to happen. I keep making to do lists and trying to everything done before she comes. Both Brian and I cannot wait to meet her. I feel like I have been pregnant the whole 2009. It will be so nice to finally get to hold her and love her and kiss her little toes.

Here is the last picture I took at 36 weeks. I just really popped out!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Maternity Photo Shoot

These are some of the many pictures taken by a local photographer Chris Allison. I was really excited about taking the pictures to show Kaylin what she looked like in momma's tummy. These were taken at La Jolla Cove at 33 1/2 weeks. We are also going to possibly use him to take newborn pictures. I can't wait til I get to hold her!

One month to go!

I can't believe I only have one to go! October 15 seems so close but oh so far away. I am still doing well. I occasionally complain. (If you ask Brian, he may say more than ocassionally). We just took our childbirth preparation class this past weekend, we have everything we need and then some. I am still working and think I am going to continue to work until I pop! I think that I am going to last the whole 40 weeks. I don't feel any closer to physically being ready. I guess we'll see at my Dr. appointment tomorrow. I will then start going every week. CRAZY. I can't get over how fast this whole pregnancy has gone and how smooth. I just hope that it continues to go smoothly. I got some maternity pictures taken a couple of weeks ago and I will post some of those later. Starting my 30 day countdown!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Inland Empire Baby shower

So last weekend I went up to Inland Empire to have a baby shower put on by my cousins and my momma. It was so nice! It was a coed BBQ at Angie's house and it was a nice mix of people that came. It was fun to share the repsponsilbilty of opening gifts with Brian. I opened cards and he opened the gifts. Guys don't usually get the chance to do that and that sucks for them. I got to see some people who I hadn't seen in awhile. There were people there from the church I grew up in who have known me since I was a toddler. How fun!! After the shower, I got to go through Hannah and Bri's old clothes and now am confident that we have enough clothes for the first couple months. We are coming down to the wire, but as we were talking last night, I think we are ready. 7 weeks left, but we are ready to hold her and welcome her!
Here are some pictures from the day...

Monday, August 24, 2009

32 weeks and then some

Last week I hit 32 weeks. So technically that means I have less than 8 weeks until her estimated due date. I keep going back and forth between being really excited to meet her and hold her, and totally freaking out... Like when I am supposed to sleep??? I have been having a hard time taking deep breaths and last week it was hurting my stomach and now it is hurting my lower back to take deep breaths. I have been waking up every couple of hours and have to get up out of bed to stretch out my back. Going to prenatal yoga classes every week has really helped me know how to open up some space and deal with the pain. I think if I didn't go to these classes, I would be in far more pain.
At 31 weeks, I decided to book another appointment to get the 3D/4D ultrasound done. I am soooo glad that I did. Brian and I loved seeing her little nose and chubby cheeks and cute little lips. It was amazing to see. She was sleeping the whole time even through prodding and poking. She kept her hand near her face, just like I sleep. She is beautiful and it was fun to share this with my mom and Eileen. Thank you for coming.

Here are some pics from that day.

Look at those LIPS!

Dear Kaylin,
Momma and daddy are sooo excited to meet you. WE love seeing you move, which you do all the time. We are getting your room ready and love just going in there and staring at everything. We have less than 8 weeks until you are supposed to be born. We are trying to get everything done before you arrive, so don't come early ok? You are going to be so loved when you arrive. Everyone is so excited to see you. Even your cousin Rhys comes up to you in my tummy and says, "Hi baby Kaylin". He is even willing to talk to you. Daddy kisses you good night.
Our new favor tie thing is to dance with you to music. Black Eyed Peas is the best to dance to. I love you so much my baby... I really can't wait to meet you. You are loved so much already!
Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, August 9, 2009

5 years!

5 years ago, I married my best friend. I love Brian. We have been through everything together. It seems so long ago and just like yesterday. We have changed so much and grown so much together. We have fought, cried, laughed and loved. God has always seemed to take care of us and we are always saying how amazing that is to get through it. We got our first dog, we bought our first house, we are about to have our first baby, we are lucky enough to continue to go on vacations every year. And though I am in my 7th month of pregnancy, this year was no different. We went out to a nice dinner overlooking the harbor of San Diego and I surprised him by already packing up the other car, ready for us to go up to Big Bear. He loved the surprise and it was nice to get away, even if for just the weekend back to the place were we were for our honeymoon 5 years ago.

Here are some pictures from our weekend getaway. We promised even after we have Kaylin, we would take advantage to go away for the weekend or night just the 2 of us. It really rejuvenates us!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baby shower #1

So this past Saturday I had my first baby shower. It was so cute around my house. Eileen and Bre did an amazing job with decorations, food and fun. Bre even did my hair. I felt so beautiful that day and Kaylin got some good gifts. It was a nice mix of people coming out to say yea to our new family. My favorite game was when the guests had to guess what childrens book each first line came from. I got some childrens book from friends too and I have started reading them to Kaylin. I really want her to love books, so I figured I might as well start now reading to her.

Friends forever!

the cupcakes

the hosts

Love these girls

Monday, July 27, 2009

Where the surf meets the turf!

Last Wednesday was opening day at Del Mar horse races. Brian's company always goes on opening day and pays for admission and food vouchers. I have always wanted to go, so this year I decided that I wanted to go. I looked everywhere for a hat and found one at Macy's and it was on SALE! It was really hot that day, but Brian and I won a couple of races. We pretty much broke even. It was fun to spend the day there and have fun memories while pregnant!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Let the decorating begin!

So, have I mentioned how much I love Brian. He is amazing. He is fun to do projects with becasue he does them with so much care. Kaylin is lucky to have a daddy that likes to make things. We spend Friday night prepping the nursery and then Sunday Brian pretty much painted the room himself. I did little things here and there, but really he did it all. Then after he was done paiting, he installed a ceiling fan. It looks so good in there, I can't wait to get the furniture in there. I know we still have 3 months, but I am too anxious to wait.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Yesterday was 4th of July and I really wanted to be near a body of water to relax by during the day, so Brian and I headed toward Mission Beach Bay side to meet with our friends for the day. Good thing we got there at 10 because it still took us 45 minutes to find parking, and Brian swears he took the last space available. We hung out there and snacked all day while both Brian and I got burned. I have the most funky burn lines on my legs, I think "pregnant brain" caused me to forget one leg entirely...

For the evening we went to the Wildman's for dinner and fireworks like we have for the past 6 years or so. There were about 30 people there for dinner and the show. From their front porch we can see 5 or 6 different firework shows on the bay and downtown San Diego. It is beautiful. We took our first "family" 4h of July picture... Many more to come.

Happy Birthday Angie!

So last Monday I went to Glen Ivy Hot Springs with my cousins to celebrate Angie's 30th birthday. So fun. It was so nice to hang out with the girls for the day. I love my cousins and they are so much like my sisters. We always did everything growing up together and they are so special to me. Especially Angie, she really helped me get through some hard times in my life and was always like the older sister I never had. It was nice to go in and get all muddy in the clay mud baths and then go down to the grotto and get mosturiezed. I decided to be brave and sport a two piece and got them to take a cute belly picture. I can't wait to celebrate every year there (Angie- we gotta make this tradition!) Here are some pics from the day.

. Kaylin's first tatoo! HeHeHe...

Birthday Girl and Me!

Sporting the two piece and 24 week belly!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

24 weeks! Starting my 6th month

Last Thursday I started my 6th month. Crazy! This pregnancy is going so fast. I can't beleive it. I am still enjoying every minute of it. This last month Kaylin has been moving like crazy. Like all the time. It is fun to just sit and stare at my tummy. The heat was getting to me this weekend and I know it is going to just get worse. My last Dr. appointment went well and she said she is growing and sounding perfect. I still haven't gained much weight and the dr said she thinks I am fine and can tell my efforts to eat healthy (mostly) and exercise (my prenatal yoga classes) are doing me well and will make a difference when I give birth.
Dear Kaylin,
Mommy and Daddy are having a good time getting your room ready. We have already apinted a test patch on the wall for color. We hope you like it. We have also painted some shelves your daddy made to keep all your toys. You are dancing around in mommy's tummy all the time. You tend to stay on the right side and sometimes i just look at you move in my tummy forever. Last week when the dr. was trying to hear your heartbeat with the doppler, you kicked her! It was really funny. I couldn't stop laughing at how you didn't want that pressing down on you. But for now, you are sleeping through the night and not kicking so much then, so I thank you for allowing me to sleep. Make sure you do this when you are out too!!
I love you already,

Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Birthday!

So Brian's birthday was Wednesday. It was a nice day out and we decided to go to Cheesecake Factory because it is in the mall and then we can go shopping afterward for a present for Brian. (You may not realize it, but he is really picky when it comes to these things and I have found that most of the time it is better to let him pick out his own gift). We had appetizers and then Eileen came and joined us for dinner. Even though I didn't eat all my food, both Brian and I were soooo full. Neither of us had eaten that much in such a long time because we have been eating healthier, smaller portions. We went shopping afterwards just the two of us and we bought him a new pair of sunglasses and a new USC hat. It was a great night.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day! I don't care if Kaylin isn't born yet, Brian is a father already. It was such a great day. I gave Brian a father-to-be card and a onesie that says "My Heart Belongs to Daddy"

After we went to families house for a pool party/BBQ. It was so much fun. I found my new favorite place. I hope to find lots of pools to lounge in this summer. It is so nice. I also took some belly shots. Our camera has a cool feature where it takes one color and make everything else black and white. I love the way some of these pictures turned out. I want to get more belly shots when I get bigger. Here are some of my favorite shots of the day...

Friday, June 12, 2009

She has a name!

So last weekend my mom, Mark, my mother in law, sister in law and of course Brian all went with me to get a 3D ultrasound done to confirm what we were having. This ultrasound tech was AMAZING. She was so excited to be sharing this adventure with all of us and she pointed everything out. Little baby was all squished up with her legs behind her head. She totally gave us a full monty shot and the tech said "100 million% a GIRL" YEA! eveyone in the room cheered and asked what her name was, so we decided to tell them. And now Everyone, her name will be Kaylin Rae Wildman. She is a very healthy, active little girl who moves around all the time. I am now 22 weeks and so excited. Things have been going so well. We are both now in nesting mode and ready to clean and get Kaylin's room ready. I will be going to Chino tomorrow to register with Angie and my mom. Hopefully we will get it done and I can start shopping!! YEA!

Baby Names - BabyNamey.com Name Badge Ticker

Friday, May 29, 2009


I made it halfway through. I am 20 weeks. It is so neat to start to feel her kick all the time. On Wednesday night, Brian was even able to feel her. That was really special to me. It'e great that he can be involved now. This last weekend we went baby "window" shopping. We looked at strollers and all sorts of things. It was all really overwhelming. I have NO idea what to register for as I really need everything, but what is everything? I am going to go up to Chino in a few weeks and have my cousin Angie help me (since she has 2 little ones and recently done this to know what is good and not). We have a friend who works for Bumbleride and is able to get us a relaly good deal on a really nice stroller, that is so fun! And my drs. appointment this week was good too, he gave us another ultrasound, but still said he wasn't 100% positive it is a girl. So it still is a "think" she is a she. I am gonna beg for another one so I can find out for sure.

We think we have decided on a name, but don't want to spill the beans until we are more certain that's what we want.

First open letter to baby wildman:

Dear Baby Wildman,

Momma and Daddy are so excited to meet you. We keep thinking about what you will look like. Will you have curls like daddy did and cousin Rhys has? How big are you going to be at birth. Will you take after the Wildman's and weigh a lot or take after your momma's side and be more average(Momma is hoping for smaller:)

Keep growing and kicking so I know you are healthy. Next time we have an ultrasound, try to move around and get your umbilical cord out of the way so we can see for sure whether you are a girl or a boy. We want to get your room ready! We love you so much already.



Monday, May 18, 2009

It's a girl!!!

Soo..... I got back from the technician and he said he "thinks she's a girl"... I want to be ecstatic... but it was a frustrating day. I think bc this is my first I was totally expecting an AHA moment, where the clouds opened up and the technician shouted "YEA, IT'S A......." but he wasn't too thoughtful, my bladder was soooo full I was crying from him pushing so hard to see the baby. He was looking for certain shots and then at the end he was like "oh yeah, you want to know the gender huh?" Doesn't he know I have been looking forward to this appt. for like 2 months? Why didn't he give me an AHA moment. He said he legs were mostly together so he couldn't get a good clear shot, but the times her legs were open he didn't see a penis and he thinks the lines between her legs were her labia. So I am going to embrace it! I am having a girl, but am disappointed in the appt. and his lack of enthusiasm for my BIG DAY! haha... so to everyone... hope yours is better. and give me an hour or two before I turn super excited! I know I will get there, it's just been an emotional day!