Kaylin's Age

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My birth story

Sunday, Ocotber 4th I went to triage at the hospital because I thought my water was leaking. They checked 3 different times and said it wasn't my amniotic fluid and sent me home saying if it continued to come on back. I was still leaking Monday and Tuesday. But Tuesday afternoon I started having contractions around 11:45am. But they were pretty sporadic. But around 3:30 they started coming every 7 minutes apart. I called my mom to tell her to get lesson plans ready for the week and called Brian to tell him to wrap stuff up at work in case we were to go in Tuesday night. Brian came home and we are a little food and decided to go back to triage. They checked me and asked about the leaking and I said it was still going on so they checked and said my water had broken. They asked me when and I honestly could not tell them. They were worried about infection so they checked me in and I got up to the delivery room by 9:30pm and they started me on pitocin. I lasted until 12:45am and then the anesthesiologist came in adn asked if I wanted an epidural, I was going to try to last longer but I was so tired and knew this was the only way I would get some sleep. So I got an epidural and I was around 4cm. A couple hours later they checked again and I was at 6cm 90% effaced. At 5:30am I started feeling more pain and called in a nurse and she checked again and said I was at 10cm and fully effaced. I freaked out and started crying thinking this was really happening. Another nurse came in at the shift change, Patti and she was amazing. I also had a student nurse from SDSU come in for my labor. They said she was a little high to start pushing and they wanted me to labor diwn naturally. It would be another 2 1/2 hours before I would start pushing. I started feeling more pain and I feared my epidural had run out. The anesthesiologist came back in to give me a shot of something and it worked a little but I can still feel the pain. The pushing began at 8:50am. I pushed 3 1/2 hours. Her heart rate was good and they wanted to let me have my way in not having a c-section, so they would need to use a vacumm. The doctor came in during the last 5 minutes and I pushed and with the help of the vacumm, she was born at 12:27pm. She only weighed 5 pounds 14 oz. 18 1/2 inches long. It was a really hard labor, but it was woth it when I saw her face. Both Brian and I had tears of joy! We are in love.

Kaylin Rae Wildman-Welcome to this world!!!

1 comment:

  1. She really is a beautiful baby. I am so happy for your family! (-Amy Beam)
