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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One month to go!

I can't believe I only have one to go! October 15 seems so close but oh so far away. I am still doing well. I occasionally complain. (If you ask Brian, he may say more than ocassionally). We just took our childbirth preparation class this past weekend, we have everything we need and then some. I am still working and think I am going to continue to work until I pop! I think that I am going to last the whole 40 weeks. I don't feel any closer to physically being ready. I guess we'll see at my Dr. appointment tomorrow. I will then start going every week. CRAZY. I can't get over how fast this whole pregnancy has gone and how smooth. I just hope that it continues to go smoothly. I got some maternity pictures taken a couple of weeks ago and I will post some of those later. Starting my 30 day countdown!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sara, you are on the home stretch! Child birth seems really scary, but you will be great. I am really excited to meet your little girl so soon!
